TL & 1L Power of Advertising corrections

Sell and Spin: The Power of Advertising> examples of BAC Intro for oral interviews. 

Complete with what you can hear!

Intro …Sell and Spin: The Power of Advertising

Selling has always meant … Grabbing attention .

The point? Moving the …..product…………………… .

The means? Tapping into … desire , creating … need .

This is a story of explanation, … exaggeration and even exploitation.

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TSTMG BAC CO training Michelle Obama on Food Marketing

Michelle OBAMA on Food Advertising

6’58 – 7’22

EX. of notes:

  • mums like me > we need ur help 4 our kids
  • >> why?
  • > U know h 2 get kids :)) excited abt eatg their food  / we nedd u to do it again
  • u have evthg it takes >> magic of ad + power 2 shape our kids desire + tastes
  • kids = sponges
  • :/ they believe evthg they C & hear especially if it’s on TV
  • average child > today = 8h in front of a screen
  • tastes & opinions shaped by marketg campains U create
  • that’s where the pblem comes in
  • 1 year = thousands of ads > 86 % R 4 pducts loaded with sugar, fat and salt
  • Contrast = 1 ad / week 4 healthy prod. like water, fruit & veg

Michelle Obama fait un discours face aux publlicitaires, on entend son micro et des flashs de photographes. Elle explique qu’en tant que maman elle a besoin d’eux. Ils savent rendre les enfants enthousiastes à propose de ce qu’ils mangent, c’est la magie du marchandisage / le la publicité. Ils ont le pouvoir de former les désirs et les goûts des enfants. Car les enfants sont de véritables éponges, ils croient tout ce qu’ils voient et entendent surtout quand ça passe à la télé. L’enfant moyen aujourd’hui passe 8 heures par jour devant un écran. Son opinion et ses goûts sont donc formés par les campagnes publicitaires que les membres du public créent. Et là, il y a un problème. En un an les enfants voient des milliers de pubs, 86% de ces pubs sont pour des produits pleins de sucre, de graisse et de sel. En revanche, ils ne voient qu’une pub par semaine pour des produits comme l’eau, les fruits ou les légumes.

TSTMG 19/09 Teamwork

September 19th

UNIT 1 – It’s an Ad world!

Your mission: create your own ad!

chris-brown-got-milk-ads-01 mcdonalds-not-today-small-98031 Top-Creative-Anti-Smoking-Ads-20 vintageeyoutube FTK-WS-Nov-Dec-Ad 2014-09-19 12.24.25 2014-09-19 12.24.29 2014-09-19 12.24.41

Where can we find ads?

We can find ads everywhere!

There are ads in the streets on billboards, on the Internet, on TV, on the radio, at the bus stop, in shopping centers, on the side of the road…

billboards: panneaux publicitaires

McDonalds is responsible for this ad. Warehouse Skateboards is the brand responsible for this ad.

California Milk is responsible for this ad.

This ad is trying to make us buy milk. It wants us to buy fast food. It urges us to stop smoking.

It shows us that smoking is dangerous / harmful.

This ad targets teenagers and Chris Brown fans. It is meant for teenagers who like skateboarding.

It is aimed at us because sometimes we prefer fast food to our mum’s cooking.

It doesn’t make me want to buy the product because I’m allergic to milk!

It urges me to buy the product because I like Chris Brown and I would like to be like him!

It urges me to buy a skateboard because it would make me more popular at school and look cool!

a target: une cible

to target so. : viser qq’un

to buy: acheter

to show: montrer

to convince / persuade: persuader / convaincre

to understand: comprendre

to urge so. to do sthg: pousser qq’un à faire qqchose.

to be responsible for sthg: être responsable de qqchose / à l’origine de