Revisions LVO INDIA Battle!


  • Hinduism : the oldest religion in the world.

Hinduism is considered as a ‘way of life’ because there isn’t any single Holy Book and there are many different interpretations of the sacred beliefs. Also there is a set of values that dictates the way people consider life and death.

  • The Jewel in the crown

The British East India Company was established in the 16th century. They wanted to benefit from exports of spices, silk and cotton so they established a monopoly on the Indian resources.

The reason why there was an uprising in 1857 was because British authorities tried to sell them cartridges which were covered with pig’s fat and that’s against Hindu beliefs.

In 1877 Queen Victoria became the Empress of India.

  • Towards Independence

India fought for its independence in the 1920s with Gandhi but the Muslim community was scared the government might be exclusively Hindu so the fight resulted in Civil War and mass migration. Two states were created: Pakistan and Bangladesh. Many people died during this period. India became independent in 1947 after World War II.

India is the world’s largest democracy because the government is modeled on the British parliamentary system. (House of Lords / House of Commons). The biggest issues in India are overpopulation and illiteracy.

In teams ask 10 questions on the key facts / key info from your documents.

Prepare for team battle!

Queens 8

Best 9

Rangers 11

1- When did M. Thatcher become the first women Prime Minister?


2- Why did Gandhi go to South Africa?

He went to S. A to defend the rights of Indians working there.

3- What happened in 1707?

The Act Union created Great Britain.

4- What advantage does the dowry tradition give to groom’s parents?

It compensated for the education of their son.

5- What happened in 1926?

The Commonwealth was set up.

6- How did G. organize the civil right movement?

Boycotts, protest marches called civil disobedience movement.

7- Since when has Wales been united with the British Crown?

Since 1284.

8- Why did lots of women kill themselves?

Because they are harassed by the in-laws.

9- What does Thatcherism mean?

It’s a set of values, free market economy and also political perspectives associated with her vision > emphasizing free markets with restrained government spending and tax cuts coupled with British nationalism both at home and abroad.

10- What is the worst and best caste in India?

Dalits or ‘Untouchables’ > worst / outcasts / lowest caste

Brahmana or Brahmins > best / upper caste

1- Why was Gandhi imprisoned?

Because he fought the British Rule.

2- How do you explain the dowry tradition?

Money / property given to husband’s parents to compensate for their son’s education.

3- What is the Commonwealth? When was it created?

Intergovernmental organization of 54 independents member states > former colonies of The British Empire.

In 1926

4- When did India develop the caste system?

It was developed more then 3 000 years ago.

5- What were Gandhi’s means of protest?

Boycotts, hunger strikes, marches > civil disobedience.

6- What are the values defended by the Commonwealth?

Equal status, no intervention / subordination of one country to the other )

7- Why did a Hindu fanatic killed gandhi?

Because he refused the idea of tolerance between all the religions.

8- Who is the head of the Commonwealth?

Queen Elizabeth 2

9- What was M. Thatcher’s aim?

Modernize British economy / promote free-market

10- Why was there a war in Ireland?

People were divided between nationalists ( catholic) and loyalists (anglicans/ protestants) > civil war related to Independence.

1- What did Gandhi do against Britain?

He organized boycotts, marches and hunger strikes. > civil disobedience

2- What is the consequence of the dowry tradition?

– A lot of girls die > commit suicide / harassed / tortured

  • Women don’t want to have daughters anymore.
  • Husbands get monney

3- What is the Commonwealth and why is it special?

Intergovernmental organization > 54 independent states / common values

4- What is the most important changes made by Thatcher?

Low Taxes – privatization – promoted the free market

5- Who is the head of the Common Wealth?

Queen Elizabeth 2

6- Where did castes come from?

Hindu priest 3000 years ago.

7- When did Gandhi die?

He died in 1948. He was assassinated.

8- Do castes still exist?

Yes they do, especially in rural areas, discriminations still prevail.

9- When did India became independent?


10- What happens if the wife’s family doesn’t keep her promise?

Set themselves on fire / are harassed / tortured

LMA 1ères LVA Home and Away – Oct 8th


Vocab / Grammar practice

  • a natural disaster : catastrophe naturelle
  • a flood: innondation
  • the beach / sand / sun
  • to lye on the beach / to sunbathe / to tan: être allonger sur la plage / prendre un bain de soleil / bronzer
  • cooking holidays / culinary experiences
  • to taste new food / local specialties / traditional meals : goûter de nouvelles spécialités culinaires : plats locaux
  • meal= repas # a dish = un plat # a plate = une assiette (objet)
  • foggy: embrumé / fog: le brouillard
  • in the middle of nowhere: au milieu de nulle part
  • a remote castle: un château reculé/ retraché

“It looks a bit like Dracula’s castle while picture b looks like the perfect holiday to me!”

“This picture looks nicer than picture e because I associate holidays with pleasure not with being sick and having an operation!”

  • to be interested in sthg / doing sthg : être interessé part qqchose / faire qqchose
  • to be bored with sthg / doing sthg : ê ennuyé de qqchose / faire qqchose
  • to be worried about sthg / doing sthg : ê inquiet à l’idée de qqch / faire qqchose
  • to be fond of sthg / doing sthg: aimer qqchose / faire qqchose
  • to be good at sthg / doing sthg: être doué pour qqch / faire qqch
  • to be afraid of sthg / doing sthg : avoir peur de qqch / faire qqch

“I think medical tourism is weird and not very acceptable because I don’t really understand why you would want to have cheap plastic surgery anyway! I would never trust cheap surgeons! I don’t think having an operation is a good way to spend nice holidays!

Disaster tourism is completely unacceptable because it’s feels like a voyeuristic journey!

I totally disagree! To me it’s a way to pay tribute to the victims and commemorate the past. Also people go there to volunteer and help the victims so it’s not a bad idea.

Literary tourism is great if you’re a movie fan, for example you can visit the old star wars set in the middle of Jordan, you can also go to New Zealand and enjoy the Lord of the Rings scenery, so yeah, to me, it’s the best form of tourism!

How to express conditional in English?

Use IF + simple past, WOULD + BV

ex. IF you WERE in a country famous for its food, WOULD you LEARN how to cook it?

IF I WENT to Morocco, I WOULD VISIT the market in Medina.

We WOULDN’T VISIT the disaster area, IF we WERE in New Orleans.

> unreal situations would / simple past

I would go sightseeing in Paris, if I didn’t have so much homework!

> real situations Will / simple present

I will go to the cinema tomorrow if I finish my homework in time!

If YOU could GO ANYWHERE in the WORLD, WHERE would you GO?

If L. could work in another country, she would go to New York because it’s a very hectic city and she’s sure she could find a job there.

If some foreign friends visited J. for a day, he would take them to a touristy sight but also to a more secret place he personally likes.

If D’s children told her they wanted to travel on their own, she would disagree whereas M. would agree for sure.

If T. went to England, he would buy a tea cup with the Queen on it for his grand mother.

HW Revise ‘Spaces and Exchanges Unit 1 ” for DST on Thursday

MEMO for Thursday!

1L LMA Session 1 Literature

1L & Tles L LMA Session 1 LVA September 11th

LMA / LVA 1ères & Tles Jeff’s adventure Sept 18th

LMA / LVA 1ères L Grammar / Camel Book Mobile September 25th.

1ères LMA LELE Minority Report

October 8th, 2014


Literature > theme THE IMAGINARY

Science Fiction > Time and Space

Trailers of Sci-Fi films

Star Wars

Minority Report by Spielberg adapted from Philip K Dick


Book extracts

 Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Utopia > dream world were everything is perfect

> Thomas Moore

Dystopia > a future / imaginary world were everything is wrong / unfair / nightmarish

> Reference to totalitarian regimes

(1984 by Orwell / Brave New World by Huxley > futuristic novels which anticipated on what will happen today)

> genetically modified babies / Cloning

Grammar points

> * future tense

will + base verbale > It will be a peaceful world.

(ce sera un monde pacifique)

Won’t + BV > There won’t be any crime.

(il n’y aura pas de crime.)

  • ** passive voice

    express oppression / exploitation / passive subject /

    innocent victim. / result

    > create empathy from the reader / viewer

  • present
  • In Minority Report people are arrested for their crimes.

    auxiliary BE > présent + past participle

  • past
  • During the Nazi regime, books were burned.

    Auxiliaire BE simple past + participe passé


  • People are arrested for crimes that they didn’t commit.
  • They are arrested because they had the intention

    to commit a crime.

  • Dystopia for us but it started from a good intention: stop crime.
  • A utopia turned into a dystopia.
  • Time > Pre-cogs can predict crimes so they foresee the future.

    TIME-TRAVELLING in Sci-Fi. Space > people evolve in places which

    are meaningful / symbolical ( rain / water …)

  • plot (intrigue) : we follow John who works for Pre-Crime / Pre-Cogs. Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 12.37.59

Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 12.38.13

Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 12.38.26