1. Can you describe life before social media? 

Easier – busier – more complex – more time consuming –  more / less in touch with others … 

  1. How does using social media make you feel? Why? 

Self-confident – popular – lethargic – anxious – isolated – busy … 

  1. Would you say that social media has disrupted your social interactions? How? 

More or less friends – more or less social events – more or less quality family time – more or less attention at school /homework done …  

  1. What can you do without your smartphone? 

Cook – play music – study – draw … 

  1. What are you unable to do without your smartphone? 

Find your bearings – contact friends – take public transports … 

  1. How would you explain what social media are to a 5year old kid? 
  2. Do you know any stories about people who had lost contact but got back in touch because of social media?
  3. Are there any people who you would never friend on social media? Explain.
  4. Do you follow any famous people on social media? If so, describe their style of interaction.
  5. According to the World Health Organisation, internet addiction is a ‘significant public health concern’. How can social media have an addictive element?
  6. What would be your definition of ‘social media’ ?
  7. Do you know any internet slang acronyms used on Social Media? If so, which ones?

FOCUS – How have social media changed social relations? 

Engage in an online debate!

Please use your ml75 address!

Click on the comment bubble to give your opinion on the following issues:

  • How old were you when you first used a smart phone? How old should you be when using social media?
  • What recommandations would you give younger users?
  • Do you think schools should promote / use social media? How? What for?
  • What do you think of your current school use of social media?
  • Do you consider this website safe? Why ? Why not?
  • Lesson Document available HERE